From the AHAP Blog: Plans for local chapters

Here at AHAP, we know that networking with your colleagues to share information is important to you, and that sometimes communicating over the internet isn’t enough. So, we’re well on our way to facilitating local chapters. We mentioned the launch of local chapters at the AHAP conference a few weeks ago and received a lot of great feedback! We’ve already got a solid group of accreditation professionals who are interested in starting a chapter in their region.

These meetings are a fantastic way to stay connected with other hospitals in your area and invest in your own professional growth. They’re run by you, and can be as informal or formal as your group desires. You can also meet as frequently or infrequently to meet your needs. It’s really just a way to get together, network, share ideas, and gain valuable education to take back to your facility.

If you’re interested in leading a local chapter or helping to pilot one in your area, please contact AHAP associate director Jackie Beck at And, keep an eye out on the website and this space for more information on guidelines, meeting times and locations, and opportunities to receive CE credits.

Visit the AHAP blog to read more.

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