Most clinicians have probably done it. They might do it out in the open or sneak it in when supervisors aren't watching. Some might do it several times a day, while others might not even realize they're doing it. What are all these people doing? Workarounds.
The National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF) has awarded a $100,000 grant for a patient safety research project that will examine the mechanisms underlying patient falls in hospitals. The group of researchers and architects will then offer recommendations for improved facility...
Central line infections still plague hospitals. Reducing them is a Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG.07.04.01) and they represent a CMS "never event" that is reported publicly on its Hospital Compare website. Unfortunately, central lines are necessary,...
Data collection and management is a growing field, but Richard Corder, MHA, FACHE, reminds those in healthcare that data is not the end point, but rather a means to an end.