Showerheads, faucets, and spigots: Maintaining them and keeping them operating smoothly is key to both savings for your healthcare facility and care quality for your patients.
Plus, if you don’t, CMS, accrediting organizations, and other regulatory agencies will come at you hard. ...
It’s common knowledge that healthcare water systems can be a source of healthcare-acquired infections (HAI) if not cleaned properly. Just ask any of the facilities that found themselves dealing with a Legionella outbreak among patients.
When 9/11 took place, NYC healthcare facilities were thrown into chaos trying to establish communication and coordination during the biggest terrorist attack in U.S. history. Many thought their clinics and hospitals were prepared for whatever natural disasters are native to their area—until...
Staff who otherwise would have been furloughed were instead trained on COVID-19 safety and virtual communication programs. Their job was to set up and facilitate virtual visits between patients and their loved ones. Ambassadors would stay in the patient’s room during the call, providing physical...