The most recent manifestation of CMS’s intent to keep the improvements coming focuses on an expansion of the scope of onsite surveys to include all off-site locations, eliminates things like daily huddles during surveys, limits how accreditation organizations can “sell” consulting and education...
A while back (I can’t really say how long ago, but certainly before COVID), there was a fair amount of survey focus on environmental considerations for performing bronchoscopy procedures. In general, the expectation was that routine bronchs would be done under negative pressure and if you had to...
One of the local (to me) stories that I’ve been following involves the recovery efforts of Signature Healthcare Brockton (Massachusetts) Hospital following a devastatingly complicated electrical fire last year.
As we make the turn into summer (or summah as we call it up here in the Bawston area), I did want to loop back a bit on the importance of including considerations of climate change when discussing emergency planning activities. I know we touched on...