In recognition that armed conflicts can have a wide-ranging impact, the HHS Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response’s Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange (ASPR TRACIE) has put together a list of resources for such things as preparing for traumatic injuries...
This photograph of a door to a fire exit was taken in a medical building. Those signs are the only signage for this door. Can you tell what’s wrong with this picture?
Hospital projects have slowed throughout the pandemic as construction supplies and worker shortages, along with infection control mandates, have hindered progress nationwide. As the pandemic begins to wane and projects pick up speed, Healthcare Safety Leader went to experts to ask about...
Fire drills are required by the Life Safety Code® and serve as part of any strong fire safety training program. And virtual reality (VR) is popping up on the radar of healthcare facilities as a viable component of training programs.
You may think world events such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine should not factor into your emergency preparedness planning. But the FBI has warned hospitals to be on alert for attacks from Russian-sponsored cyber hackers. And only three days after Russian troops initiated hostilities against...
Expect surveyors to take a closer look at the fire safety precautions in hospital surgical and hyperbaric suites, especially once new elements of performance (EP) from The Joint Commission (TJC) go into effect in July.
When building a new hospital, get involved early in the design, appoint someone with a thorough background in NFPA and other building regulations to be on-site daily, and round early and often to keep on top of...
Training and education in any professional role can help individuals improve their skills and learning competencies. Training and education opportunities, however, often get sidelined by day-to-day duties and lost in performance reviews. That should not be the case, and certainly when it comes...
No healthcare professional needs to be reminded of the risks and elevated threats of violence during tense moments with patients and their families, especially in a pandemic.
With continuing stress on patients and staff members from all corners as we...