As the nation continues its recovery from the pandemic, be aware of the continuing changes in regulatory guidance—and how they might impact your health system. For instance, while some 1135 blanket waivers are being ...
A group of healthcare organization CEOs recently adopted a Declaration of Principles to improve the safety of healthcare workers.
Healthcare settings pose several safety concerns for caregivers and other staff members. The dangers include emotional and psychological harm, hazards such as...
In the worst stretches of the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare professionals were profoundly impacted by the rigors and trauma of their work. Experiencing daily challenges associated with the harsh realities of COVID-19 brought the topic of grief and burnout to top of mind for many practitioners....
To my fairly certain knowledge, I’ve tried to stay away from anything that might approximate “click bait,” though I will freely admit that this week’s “headline” bumps up...
A brief foray this week, though I hope that is very much in keeping with you all being able to grab a few moments for yourselves over the holiday weekend. It was rather...
It happens more than we’d like: Patients require transport from one area to another, be it from their room to an imaging lab or to the ICU, and somewhere along that trek—in a hallway, an elevator—they require emergency intervention. The patient is stabilized and completes their journey, but it’s...
Whether you are planning for a new healthcare facility or considering renovations or improvements to existing facilities, know that the next pandemic could present even greater physical environment challenges. The time to plan is now. For more than a year, maintenance teams, facility engineers,...
California state health officials announced this week that they will extend a mask mandate through June 15, despite Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines that lifted many of the restrictions for fully vaccinated people.
“Until June 15, when California plans to fully reopen...
A new decision-making tool to help nurse leaders re-start family-presence policies that balance safety with a patient’s emotional need for family was released Tuesday.