Expect CMS to continue its crackdown on The Joint Commission (TJC), HFAP, and other accrediting organizations (AO) for fire safety and physical environment oversight.
Infection control dominated the day’s presentations, which also looked at expectations for sterile compounding, Legionella control, using personal protective equipment, medication management, lowering maternal death rates, and, of course, ligature risk and suicide prevention.
Carefully review whether you want to allow security officers to carry conducted-electrical weapons (CEW) such as Taser® devices on your facility grounds.
At Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, nurse leaders have taken a preventive approach to the organization’s future workforce, using a little foresight and planning to fend off a potential crisis.
Michael R. Cohen, RPH, MS, ScD (hon.), DPS (hon.), FASHP, founder and president of the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP), discusses the current state of medication safety.