Consider getting an accrediting organization to review and certify your hospital’s drug compounding practices as scrutiny ratchets up on medication management of both sterile and hazardous drugs.
Bouffant caps only in the surgical suite? Skull cap? Both? It’s your choice.
Just make sure your hospital policy on surgical attire is clear and that it is followed, or you may run afoul of CMS or other accreditation organizations.
Ligature risk, building safety problems, and infection control were among the top problems identified by Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program (HFAP) surveyors last year, according to the recently published 2019 HFAP Quality Review.
As healthcare organizations become more cognizant of the need to provide support for their staff, the issue of staff burnout is emerging as one to watch.
Check your training and education goals against this checklist, primarily compiled from hospital standards by The Joint Commission (TJC) as well as other sources.
Find people at your organization who can review your suicide risk reduction policies from a new perspective now that both The Joint Commission (TJC) and CMS have updated expectations.