You probably know that CMS doesn’t reimburse for hospital-acquired infections (HAI), including catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI), the most common healthcare-associated condition in the U.S.
What you may not know is that CAUTIs cost hospitals far more than most think....
Check your inventory of the duodenoscopes in your hospital as well as any off-campus clinics or ambulatory care centers, now that the FDA has issued yet another urgent infection control recall for the medical instruments that are notoriously difficult to clean.
As SMS technology has developed, providers have taken to texting patient health information (PHI). They send pictures of X-rays and rashes. They ask opinions and advice on patient cases. They message the on-call physicians that they are needed, ASAP.
Editor’s note: This Q&A was taken from the January ASHE webinar, “Active Shooter - Best Practices for the Worst Case,” with speakers Kevin M. Tuohey, executive director for research compliance at Boston University & Boston Medical Center; Constance Packard,...
Ever since the Harvey Weinstein scandal broke in 2017, there’s been new (and well-deserved) attention placed on sexual harassment, and healthcare organizations are no exception. The industry is rife with examples.
On July 1, 2018, The Joint Commission will implement three new elements of performance (EP) for maternity care. The announcement, which came in the latest R3 Report, is intended to reduce the risk of transmitting diseases like HIV and syphilis from mother to newborn.
The ECRI Institute published its annual list of the top 10 health technology hazards for the industry. Readers will note that several of the top hazards in 2018 are the same as those in 2017. To guide readers through the hazards, PSMJ spoke to several experts on the top 10...
A woman was found wandering outside a Baltimore hospital wearing only a hospital gown and socks. The person who found her recorded the scene in a shocking video, which has gone viral. This video can be a training tool to review...
Engaging patients in their care isn’t a matter of manners. It’s crucial to ensuring the best possible outcomes, that all your information is right, and that the will of the patient is understood. Also, the government can punish you for not doing it.