Though strides have been made, there are still cases of patients getting the wrong drug or the wrong dose of medication. The FDA receives over 100,000 reported cases of medication...
Look for the Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) to continue collaborating with hospitals and other healthcare providers to improve patient safety through...
Two of the top problems facing healthcare security now are hiring qualified officers and ensuring sufficient training in de-escalation skills, says William S. Marcisz, JD, CPP, CHPA, president and chief consultant for Orlando, Florida–based Strategic Security Management...
This may feel like more of a public service announcement, but, if we’ve learned nothing else over the last 3-ish years, it's that sometimes the impact(s) of events can take on rather interesting twists and turns. Certainly, if any of the folks in the audience have to fly with any frequency, this...
Don’t miss your chance to be heard! To help us ensure that we continue to deliver a solution that best meets the needs of our valued customers like you, we hope that you can spare 5-10 minutes to complete our 2023 ...
The Joint Commission—which last year issued new hospital Leadership standards to encourage health equity, effective January 1, 2023—has now elevated health equity to a National Patient Safety Goal.
The incident occurred shortly after 12:30 p.m. and the worker has not been identified by police yet. Police and OSHA were notified and went to the scene to investigate.
Hand hygiene remains a perennial issue in healthcare and requires constant vigilance on the part of providers. With the “tripledemic” of COVID-19, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus this...
Workplace security. Life safety compliance. HIPAA privacy and security. They’re all intertwined with a common goal: safety for healthcare employees and patients.
With that, we’re providing some HIPAA compliance tips, data, and information from regulators as we work toward a new year.