In the past decade, the annual rates for in-hospital adverse events decreased for acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, pneumonia, major surgical procedures, and all other conditions, a new research article found. Patient safety has been a pressing issue in healthcare since 1999, with the...
Establish a monkeypox emerging infectious disease team now that all but six states are reporting confirmed cases of the disease, which has been declared a global health emergency.
Use the July 11 CMS memo reminding hospitals of their obligations under the federal EMTALA law as a good opportunity to review policies and to educate doctors, nurses, and other personnel on requirements for caring for emergent patients who are pregnant or experiencing pregnancy loss.
Anyone who thought that COVID19 would be appearing in the rearview mirror as we sped down the highway of life came face-to-face with a double dose of double-downing as the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, announced that the ...
An important part of the diversion prevention and detection initiatives of any institution is limiting access to controlled drugs through physical security measures and instituting measures that allow identification of the culprit when diversion does occur.
It’s the 21stcentury, and the importance of communication cannot be understated. Crafting an effective message is key for so many patient safety and accreditation compliance challenges, whether it’s getting staff to follow hand-washing policies, convincing communities to get screened...