I recently came across a survey finding that I thought would be worth sharing with the class. In this particular survey, an organization was cited because it had not identified the square footage of their smoke compartments on its life safety drawings (this was a Direct Impact finding relative...
For our final 2013 benchmarking survey and report, we decided to go back to our first year to see if one of our original surveys would benefit from and update so we could compare and contrast how things have changed. Since CMS recently released an update to restraint and seclusion and this same...
Pain represents a growing patient concern and a flourishing service line for healthcare. Hospitals are creating pain management centers with a focus on chronic and acute pain, relying on interventional and multidisciplinary procedures targeting long-term pain. Click the link above to read more...
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released a complaint against LabMD, Inc. The complaint alleging that a lack of information security was an unfair practice under Section 5 of the FTC Act. The complaint stems from two incidents: personal information for approximately 9,300 consumers became...
In looking through the ol’ e-mail bag, I received a request for info relative to what the “magic number” was to be able to “count” an influx exercise in compliance with the Emergency Management standards. In looking at this question, I thought to myself that I don’t know that we’ve tackled this...
When a non-English speaking patient is hospitalized, the hospital must provide translation services. These services could include an on-site interpreter. Name at least one other option.
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has issued 10 penalties to California hospitals after investigations that found that the facilities were noncompliant with licensing requirements that caused or was likely to cause serious injury or death to their patients. Total fines were $674,...