Q&A: Ongoing compliance success: Organization of teams by standards chapter

Q: What are some key steps to consider in maintaining ongoing survey readiness?

A: Many organizations decide to organize by chapter because this seems to be a logical approach, and it is often easier for them to operationalize internally, especially when new standards are released. They also determine that setting up oversight by chapter reinforces the reality that surveyors will be reviewing all of them and presents a balanced approach to readiness. However, being responsible for medication management can be overwhelming. If you choose this approach, your chapter team leader should be a strong individual, as he or she will become the internal champion for compliance in that specific area. What better way to have an internal expert on the practices and insights into your organization. Choose the person in this role very carefully. Encourage each chapter leader to create a team of individuals from across the organization to ensure an organizationwide and multidisciplinary approach to assessment.

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