Rock on: Where do we go from here?

By Steve MacArthur, Hospital Safety Consultant

It would seem that the subtext to all we are experiencing/dealing with now is how long we can anticipate this “siege” to last, and (as is typical of these types of events) we probably won’t have a clear sense of the timing until the clouds break and the “sun” comes out. From a practical standpoint, the current situation is a very robust test of each organization’s continuity of operations plan (COOP), as well as the opportunity to witness the intricacies of the 1135 Waiver process as it unfolds. Of course, the other element that is unfolding is the number of COVID-19 cases worldwide (I’ve found the Johns Hopkins University case map of particular use in watching the spread of cases, both worldwide, but particularly in the United States; if you haven’t “found” it yet, it’s definitely worth a look).

At any rate, from a planning perspective, we’ve gotten to the point where some preparations need to be made to ensure sufficient capacity in the event regions are not successful in their attempts to “flatten the curve.” And those preparations will probably involve real-life/real-time actions to be ready to establish alternate care sites (to see what that looked like 100 years ago, you can scroll down this page to see my old stomping grounds at Brockton Hospital). To aid in that pursuit, just yesterday (March 30), CMS unveiled a number of regulatory changes to encourage thoughtful expansion of capacity, including provisions for what is described as “hospitals without walls.” I would encourage you to review these new materials as they do have some restrictions (mostly checking to make sure your planning dovetails with your state’s planning for alternate care sites).

From a practical standpoint, our friends at the American Society for Health Care Engineering have included with their COVID-19 resources some guidance (including links to other materials) on options for establishing/converting alternate care sites. Again, looking at the COVID-19 map, it is fairly easy to discern where bed capacities are likely to be in greatest demand and hopefully those most dire of conditions will not spread everywhere, but there’s no reason to delay consideration of what can be done in advance to be able to flex up capacity at your facility. I know there’s a lot going on right now and the struggle to attain some level of normalcy is all too real, but it is clear that we are in the process of redefining the magnitude of planning and preparation activities. Anything we can do to stay at least a couple of steps ahead is worth our time and energies.

Stay safe until next time!

About the Author: Steve MacArthur is a safety consultant with The Greeley Company in Danvers, Mass. He brings more than 30 years of healthcare management and consulting experience to his work with hospitals, physician offices, and ambulatory care facilities across the country. He is also a contributing editor for Healthcare Safety Leader. Contact Steve at

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