Most of the time when a patient is ill, an x-ray, scan, or lab test is needed to obtain more precise information to understand the cause of the illness so the care team can help resolve it. This happens in hospitals thousands of times every day.
Briefings on Accreditation & Quality - Volume 22, Issue 9
The relationship between hospital and patient is changing, and this evolution has been under way for a number of years. One sacred cow we find under scrutiny of late is the topic of visiting rights. In fact, as of July 1, The Joint Commission has been evaluating its compliance with...
Briefings on Accreditation & Quality - Volume 22, Issue 9
Chronic wounds not only affect millions of patients, but they also represent a significant burden to the healthcare professionals who are trying to manage and assess them.
Briefings on Accreditation & Quality - Volume 22, Issue 9
Q During a tornado watch or warning, should we move ICU patients to an interior hallway? If so, what additional resources are required (e.g., staff, portable equipment, emergency power outlets)? If we are not able to move these patients, what steps should we take?
This fall, The Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare will release its Targeted Solutions Tool™ addressing wrong-site surgery. The tool is part of the Center's Targeted Solutions series and is available to any organization accredited or certified by The Joint...