Compared to the general population, physicians who die by suicide are more likely to experience job and civil legal problems, recent research indicates.
Compared to the general population, physicians who die by suicide are more likely to experience job and civil legal problems, recent research indicates.
Here is a summary of the most often requested information on ligature risk, 1:1 observation, and the use of telehealth and of masks for patients and staff.
Working with behavioral health patients is a challenge at any time. During an infectious disease outbreak such as COVID-19, the task is magnified by stress, the need for social isolation, infection control needs, and even diminishing supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE).
Healthcare organizations carry a heavy workplace violence burden, with about three-quarters of U.S. workplace assaults occurring in healthcare settings, according to OSHA. Workplace violence is especially prevalent in emergency departments—78% of emergency physicians have reported being targets...
The COVID-19 pandemic has tested the U.S. healthcare system in ways not seen in modern times, as floods of patients have overwhelmed hospitals and healthcare facilities.
As usual, healthcare workers are being asked to take on some of the hardest work during the coronavirus pandemic. Many...