By the time the general public hears about an impaired clinician, whether it's a nurse, technician, or physician, it is often too late to head an incident involving that clinician off at the pass-whether that incident is a medical error, diversion of medication, or something even worse, like the...
Briefings on Accreditation & Quality - Volume 23, Issue 11
Every fall, The Joint Commission unveils updated statistics regarding the standards and National Patient Safety Goals that have been causing the most problems with compliance out in the field. As in years past, the top 20 problematic standards have remained relatively stable, with some slight...
First and foremost, it goes without saying that we all want to do the right thing, at the right time, for the right patient the first time, and every time thereafter, without making a mistake or causing harm, ever. And in a perfect world, that's what would always happen-we would take good care...
Briefings on Accreditation & Quality - Volume 23, Issue 11
In May, CMS released revisions to the Medicare final rule for hospital and critical access hospital requirements. These revisions went into effect in relatively short order-July 16-and required updates to be made to The Joint Commission's own standards to ensure compliance between the two...
Identify the standard where leadership will be held accountable for noncompliance Every fall, The Joint Commission unveils updated statistics regarding the standards and National Patient Safety Goals that have been causing the most problems with compliance out in the field. As in years past,...
Briefings on Accreditation & Quality - Volume 23, Issue 11
Last month in this space, we began our discussion of the latest round of changes from CMS, specifically targeting order sets, preprinted orders, and standing orders. Following up on where we left off last month, let's take a closer look at how CMS addresses cardiovascular order sets and end...
In November 2000, the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act (NSPA) was passed by the federal government. The act, which was adopted by OSHA under its Bloodborne Pathogens standard several months later, requires employers to identify, evaluate, and implement safer medical...