What’s new with AHAP!

Join us on the podium at the 2012 AHAP Conference

We are currently seeking speakers to present at the 2012 AHAP Sixth Annual Conference to be held May 10-11, 2012 at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, FL.

Is that special person you or a colleague?

We seek speakers to present on all aspects of hospital accreditation and encourage case studies of successful programs. Here is a list of additional topics that would make great conference sessions:

  • Data management
  • Tracer methodology
  • Maximizing your risk assessment
  • Career ladder for accreditation professionals: Motivation and recruitment strategies

If you don’t see your hot topic here, please e-mail me no later than November 1, 2011 and let us know what expertise you can bring to the podium. Please be sure to include the following information:

  • Name
  • E-mail address
  • Phone #
  • Organization
  • Address
  • A description of your suggested topic
  • Why you are qualified to speak on the proposed topic
  • A summary of your background/qualifications
  • Any previous speaking or presentation experience
  • Please specify whether your topic is intended for a basic, intermediate, or advanced level audience

We look forward to hearing from you! If you’d like more information or wish to discuss a speaking topic, please e-mail me at jbeck@hcpro.com and we’ll set up a convenient time to speak by phone.


Jaclyn Beck

Associate Director, Association for Healthcare Accreditation Professionals

HCPro, Inc.

781/639-1872, ext. 3245

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