Natural disasters are not going away any time soon—and the days of practicing casualty events and unscheduled utility disruptions as standalone...Read More »
The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Combined Heat and Power program is an energy solution for hospitals, providing efficient and...Read More »
Stress is a natural response that everyone deals with, but being able to manage it during a laboratory emergency can make all the difference in...Read More »
One of the truisms of managing healthcare in current climes and times is the importance of creating environments that can withstand the slings and...Read More »
Having bopped around a fair amount of the nation over the last 6 months or so, I heard a fair number of stories from folks working in healthcare...Read More »
The official start of hurricane season is almost here. Hurricanes, especially the monster storms, have taught American hospitals some big lessons...Read More »
As CMS begins focusing more on emergency preparedness planning, review your hospital’s plans to ensure they include how the facility will handle a...Read More »
There is not one hospital in the United States that is immune from disasters, whether caused by internal system failures or events externally...Read More »
Well, not strictly speaking—I’m pretty sure we’ve been working on preparedness in the ambulatory care settings for a while now. I suspect that...Read More »