Find a pharmacist, provider, or infection preventionist (IP) with a good grounding in antibiotic stewardship to tackle the responsibilities and...Read More »
Regularly check the humidity and temperature in storage areas for sterile supplies to ensure you are meeting requirements outlined in NFPA 99-2012...Read More »
With monkeypox cases climbing in each state, sometimes dramatically, hospitals should be creating and implementing a plan that includes education...Read More »
Anyone who thought that COVID19 would be appearing in the rearview mirror as we sped down the highway of life came face-to-face with a double dose...Read More »
Standardize how your hospital manages its medical supplies to ensure that they are safely stored, updated, and available when needed. Also be sure...Read More »
Review your hospital’s practices for storing sterile devices and supplies now that three of the four hospital accrediting organizations (AO) have...Read More »