Take another look at your workplace violence prevention (WVP) policies and procedures now that The Joint Commission (TJC) has formally published new and...
Peter Pronovost, MD, PhD, is the chief quality and clinical transformation officer at University Hospitals. The critical care physician has a global reputation as a patient safety champion, including life-saving work developing checklists to reduce central line–associated...
When it comes to the management of workplace violence considerations, I think we all have experienced the many, many ways in which these risks can manifest themselves in...
OSHA will take comments until August 20 on an emergency temporary standard to set COVID-19 worker protection requirements that the federal agency is considering making permanent.
With the (presumed) onset of regulatory surveys including a more thorough review of survey results past, I would imagine that everyone out there in the listening/reading...
With voluntary operations and procedures returning, huddle with your surgery and infection prevention teams to review your surgical site infection (SSI) prevention policies and best practices. More than a time to remove any rust, take this as an opportunity to tackle the second most common form...
Find a detail-oriented person at ambulatory healthcare sites to review credentialing and privileging procedures to ensure primary source verification is carried out and that records and licenses for practitioners are not outdated. Appoint a rotating “secret shopper” among your staff to audit...
Find a detail-oriented person at ambulatory healthcare sites to review credentialing and privileging procedures to ensure primary source verification is carried out and that records and licenses for practitioners are not outdated. Appoint a rotating “secret shopper” among your staff to audit...
The healthcare sector has shed 537,000 jobs since the start of the pandemic in February 2020, with hospitals accounting for 102,000 job losses, and nursing homes accounting for 360,000 job losses. Ambulatory services sector has grown 75,400 jobs in that span. There were 15.9 million people...
Critical care nurses frequently did not mobilize intubated patients receiving mechanical ventilation because the patient was uncooperative, according to a new study published in American Journal of Critical Care. Competing demands from other patients or concerns about patient safety or...