If a year of COVID-19 could be said to have any positives, one is the immense amount of data the pandemic has generated for the healthcare industry. That data has been both vast and valuable, and resulted from a wide array of resources, including medication management solutions.
If your healthcare organization has taken advantage of federal 1135 blanket waivers during the national public health emergency (PHE), be sure to review the use of those waivers as you prepare for survey to check if any were inconsistent with requirements under your state emergency or pandemic...
Continuing our intermittent discussion about returning to normalcy on the facilities operations front, I’ve been reflecting on the monumental amount of facility...
Be prepared to quickly implement the elements of a new OSHA emergency temporary standard on COVID-19 safety for workers in your hospital or other parts of your healthcare system where potential exposure...
Review any policies you updated to meet the requirements under the new Information Management standard to reflect that The Joint Commission (TJC) has already updated the language in its new elements of performance (EP).
Also note that CMS has finally updated its interpretive guidelines...
Scientists are warning that warmer, wetter weather this year will increase the number of ticks born this year, as well as extend tick season. Bradley T. Truax, MD, principal consultant of the Truax Group, says that healthcare providers need to ensure patients know both how to avoid ticks and...
Physicians are essential players in the healthcare system. When physicians lack trust in institutions, sectors, and colleagues, it erodes healthcare’s fundamental grounding in a series of human relationships. The recent national survey, which was conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago...