A California physicians organization is finding that more doctors are dismissing patients because they are uncooperative, refuse to comply with treatment, exhibit drug-seeking behaviors, and increasingly threaten the safety of care providers. Click the link above to read on.
It’s been a fairly busy year when it comes to updates of standards and such and this week we’ll take a look at the new requirements relative to leadership and oversight of the Emergency Management (EM) function. Click the link above to read more.
All hospitals must evaluate whether or not they are willing and able to accept a large influx of infected patients. If a hospital decides it is willing and capable of accepting such patients, what does the hospital need to do?
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) issued ten penalties this week to California hospitals – and fines totaling $675,000 – after investigations found the facilities’ noncompliance with licensing requirements caused, or was likely to cause, serious injury or death to patients.
One energetic hospitalist, lamenting a "vast culture of overuse and waste," is working with a team to rid his hospital of some unnecessary operational habits that evidence says should be halted. Click the link above to read the full story.
Forget stubborn physicians and wildly fluctuating patient volumes. Nurse leaders really do have control over the highs and lows of patient throughput and related staffing problems. Click the link above to read more.
In the June 2013 edition of The Joint Commission’s Perspectives, George Mills covers the thorny topic of the Environment of Care management plans. Within his dissertation, he makes note that he doesn’t recommend inclusion of the Joint Commission standards and Elements of Performance (EP) in the...