The most ubiquitous tools in healthcare include blood pressure cuffs (BPC) and other blood pressure (BP) measuring devices, and their importance can’t be overstated.
Healthcare Life Safety Compliance - Volume 25, Issue 11
Lauris V. Freidenfelds, vice president of security risk consulting with Telgian Engineering & Consulting, has been in many roles as a healthcare security leader. He’s a nationally recognized security and emergency management consultant.
Download The Joint Commission’s (TJC) document review checklist and ensure you have all the documents available for surveyors before they leave the premises. You may not get another chance.
To a layperson, ultrasound as a tool generally calls pregnancy or abdominal imaging to mind. But as medical practitioners know, ultrasound is much more than that, though the technology is often underused because of its cost and limited number of trained specialists.
The United States would have averted 266,700 deaths during the Delta and Omicron spikes of the COVID-19 pandemic if the excess all-cause mortality rate nationally matched that of the 10-most vaccinated states, ...
A new report published by the American Hospitals Association (AHA) calls on health systems and hospitals to focus on three core challenges to address the strained healthcare workforce.
The other day, I fielded a question regarding the use of plug-in air fresheners and what regulatory-based prohibitions/allowances might be entertained in determining how best to manage these devices at the facility level. This is one of those funky subjects that kind of folds back on itself in a...
But since 2020, patient engagement has become more important than ever—especially for those with complex care needs. Providers must find ways to engage patients and keep them in-network. The alternative risks worse outcomes and lost revenue.
Healthcare Life Safety Compliance - Volume 25, Issue 11
The problem of workplace violence (WPV) against nurses in healthcare isn’t getting better.
According to Press Ganey, a healthcare solutions provider, more than two nursing personnel were assaulted every hour in Q2 2022. That equates to roughly 57 assaults per day, 1,739 assaults per month...