This issue contains articles about medical interpreter certification, patient safety awareness week, the development of an electronic medication list, a column from a new member to the patient safety field, the National Quality Forum's new electronic data standards, and a Q & A about...
Our latest contest entry comes from Linda M. Glaeser, RN, MS, manager of healthcare accreditation and regulatory affairs at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.
True or false: Informed consent includes information on the risks and hazards of a particular treatment, the alternatives or options available to the patient, the risks and hazards of the alternatives/options, and any other information that will help the patient make a well-informed decision.
The Quality Department of Regional Medical Center of San Jose in San Jose, CA, sent in the following sample documents as their entry into our AHAP registration giveaway.
True or false: When unlabeled medications are found, it is safe to use them if you can compare the pill in the container to other medications in the patient’s medication drawer to ensure that they are the same.
Just a reminder to the AHAP members, the next working group call will take place this week on Thursday, February 11th at 1pm EST and discuss flash sterilization requirements.
Each month, we will give away one free registration to the upcoming AHAP Conference in Las Vegas on May 6-7, 2010. We will give away three free seats—one in February, one in March, and one in April.
Just a reminder to the AHAP members, the next working group call will take place on Thursday, February 11th at 1pm EST and discuss flash sterilization requirements. Joining the call will be Laure Dudley, RN, MS, a consultant with the Greeley Company. To sign up, contact Matt Phillion at...