The Joint Commission announced its latest Sentinel Event Alert, Preventing Maternal Death. This alert acts as a follow up to a previous alert examining death and injury of newborns, addressing ?the equally tragic loss of mothers,? the official report states.
Editor’s note: The following is an excerpt from the HCPro book Effective Process Management: Improving Your Healthcare Delivery, written by Kenneth R. Rohde, senior consultant at The Greeley Company, a division of HCPro, Inc., in Marblehead, MA.
In October 2008, staff members at Riverside Methodist Hospital (RMH) in Columbus, OH, approached Sheryl Tripp, MSN, RN-BC, nurse manager for the gynecology/gynecology-oncology (gyn/gyn-onc) surgical unit, in hopes of changing the way nurses were issuing patient reports.
Sentara Williamsburg (VA) Regional Medical Center (SWRMC) marked five years without a case of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in February 2009 and is hoping to report six years this month.
Briefings on Accreditation & Quality - Volume 21, Issue 2
The Joint Commission officially announced the most-cited standards for the first half of 2009 and Life Safety standards top the list. Back in 2007, the Life Safety chapter consisted of only a single standard (EC.5.20) but was subsequently split into seven standards, leading citations for this...
Briefings on Accreditation & Quality - Volume 21, Issue 2
Patient and family education is one of those problematic standards and requirements for improvement that boggles my mind. In the course of patient care, every patient/family interaction is an opportunity to educate.
Briefings on Accreditation & Quality - Volume 21, Issue 2
In 2006, Pam Harmon, RN, legal nurse consultant and chief nursing officer at Fredonia (KS) Regional Hospital (FRH), in Fredonia, Kansas, took a closer look into her facility’s employee code of conduct.
Briefings on Accreditation & Quality - Volume 21, Issue 2
Every month, Briefings on The Joint Commission brings you the latest news in Joint Commission survey preparation, standards interpretation, and best practices, as well as CMS and other hospital accreditation-related topics. This month, we look at the top cited standards of 2009, The Joint...